We spent nearly a month in Belgium and England, stopping to visit Christian workers and preach/teach in several venues. By way of simplicity, let us recite the account through prayer requests that we have for people and places:
For the Evangelical Church in Auvelais, Belgium (and David Doyen, Pastor) pray for continued spiritual growth and outreach, freedom from legalism and guilt-producing doctrine that spiritually debilitates individuals and keeps them from understanding their worth before God as born-again believers and as "laborers in the harvest". (Matthew 9:35-38)
For John and Lesley Robinson (Timothy Ministries UK Treasurer) and their church group, pray that they will find a new approach to reaching the lost of Southern Cumbria, England as the church "re-invents" itself in 2009. Pray that Scriptural teaching will be solid... and important... as they attempt to engage the lost and the hurting.
For Rugby International Fellowship Church (Jim Lyon & Stephen Homer, Elders) pray that their leadership in "Churches Together" evangelism and outreach will reap souls for Christ and new members for the congregation.
For Ashingdon United Free Church, Essex, England (Craig Delves, Alec Eves, & Malcolm Jones, Elders) pray that they, as a congregation, will re-commit themselves to a sound, Biblical foundation for discipleship, leadership, and evangelism, putting aside past issues that have threatened the church's great forward momentum for Christ.
For Main Street Community Church, Frodsham, England (Tim Coad, Pastor) pray that as they reach out to their community for Christ that they not allow the pressure of pluralistic secularism nor well-intentioned humanitarianism to blunt the full proclamation of the Gospel, including the call to commitment and decision on the part of those who do not yet know Christ as Saviour.
Love, in Christ,