Monday, March 31, 2008

Larry and Susan Correll, Timothy Ministries, Executive Director, (by the canal in Bruge, Belgium)

Spring 2008

May we have a little of your time? We have a few very important things we want to tell you about the work that God has given us. It's been 42 years since we stepped into our first pastorate back in central Indiana. It has been 15 years that we've been traveling, preaching, teaching, and trying to build up the Christian Church in Europe, Africa, and North America, as "on the road" missionaries.

We believe God has accomplished a great deal through our meagre efforts. He has given us faithful workers and partners (like many of you) who have blest us with your time, talents, prayers, and finances. TOGETHER, we have represented Christ in England, Scotland, Ireland, Belgium, Romania & Moldova, in South Africa, Mexico, and right here at home in America. Together, we've funded new growing ministries in Russia, Kazakhstan, Zimbabwe, and in the mountains of Bolivia. Many of you have been by our side overseas ... and we are grateful to you. As you read this, we are "on the road" to California to share the Word of God and the love of Jesus among friends there. Right now, Joe Correll is in Uruguay helping a YFC chapter prepare to train its workers for the future. Timothy Ministries' people just keep on going!

We know that we cannot remember all the places and all the faces where we have taught the Bible, preached Christ, trained teachers, hammered nails, nursed the sick, passed out tracts, sung our songs, spoken our testimonies, sent out prayer letters, hugged the hurting, prayed with people, and simply loved those we've met. You have ministered in these ways to so many people around the world, WITH US. We cannot count the numbers. We are just amazed and humbled by God's grace in our lives and work.

Now, it's time to look ahead to the next 5 years. When we envision 2008 through 2012, our hearts say 1) finish the work at Kum Bible College and in the Congolese refugee mission, South Africa; 2) complete the Bible teaching/training in Belgium and Mexico; 3) and be available to "trouble-shoot", counsel, and love our own American churches when we're asked to come share the Word of God among them. But, of course, our hearts also say, "Listen for God's call to other places and faces ... and be flexible!"

We are going to contact you again in October. Pray for our mission outreach in south central California. We want to teach, preach, and model the reconciling love of Jesus.

Will you stay with us? We need and want your help. Pray for us. Support God's work and our small part in it. Advise us. Push us on. Hold up our hands. Be available. WE NEED YOU HERE..... AND WE MAY NEED YOU "THERE", ON THE ROAD, AGAIN!

With love,
Larry and Correll