If you are traveling on the roads this summer, look for Sue's little yellow Mini. We'll be spending a lot of time in it. During these "furlough" months, we are trying to re-connect with our prayer partners and supporters. We want to say THANK YOU for all the love and support you continue to give. And, we are pleased to be invited into new churches who are willing to hear our stories of Jesus and people around the world. We have preached across America, already this year, from south-central California to the Detroit area to Florida. God has opened doors for us in our own Midwest and we'll be sharing the Word and our stories of the mission work in many congregations, at our national church convention, and across kitchen tables in many homes. And, we have 3 exciting bits of news for the future:
While here in the USA, we've just had the privilege of hosting our dear friends, Dick and Moira Curry, who run an NGO (non-governmental organization) in Uganda. We are trying to help them find more support for their Christian-based development work in Mbali and Buta. Later in the summer, Philip & Helen Clarke, from Aberdeen, Scotland will be staying with us in Beloit. From 1997 to 2003, Philip and I trained young Romanian church leaders in the Transylvanian region and now they are training their own pastors & teachers. It's a joy to See so much of our work in the hands of Christian nationals.
In September, we send Havalyn Nesler to Auvelais, Belgium to work for a season as our Timothy Ministries missionary-in-residence there. This 24-year-old woman will be ministering with a local church across the generations and in the French-Walloon language in a region where there are very few committed Christian believers. We are thrilled to help launch her out into the world of foreign mission.
On 7 October, we trade Sue's Mini for an airplane and head back to Africa. We are excited for you to know that we will be doing Bible teaching and church revivals among Congolese war refugees. With Kum Bible College completely on its own now, we are, also, free to help do bush evangelism and new church planting in villages along the Eastern Cape/Kwa-Zulu Natal border. We will be working alongside our old friends Edmunds Flatela, Banzi Kobo, Jude Mua-Kebei, Ewart Masondo, and Ayanda Mbombo. Living rough, preaching every night...it's tough, but it's wonderful work!
We are amazed that God still wants to use us to build up and encourage HIS mission here and overseas. Please continue to pray for us and our co-workers. We'll add more details when we write to you in the autumn.
Your friends in Christ,
Larry & Sue Correll
1724 Crescent Drive Beloit, WI 53511 USA
2 Timothy 2: 2