"Because of Christ, you can do it!"
Autumn of 2007 was a time of great encouragement... God encouraging us in our work preaching and teaching the Word as we tried to be "Barnabas" to churches, pastors and their families, and old friends with whom we've shared ministry for many years. In Cumbria, Warwickshire, and Cheshire, Endland, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and in the Sambreville region of Belgium, we saw the gracious hand of God moving in Revival among the churches. It's a funny old thing, that at our age and stage in life, we have been pleased to be used of the Lord to simply say to Christian workers and congregations, "Because of Christ, you can do it!" We look ahead to see what God has in store for us in Europe in 2008. The
photo gallery demonstrates the wonderful comradery and effective ministry across western Europe this fall.